Bee Removal

Bee Removal Disclaimer

The beekeepers listed below have registered with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service as required by Texas Agriculture Code, Section 131.045, and have submitted a statement of intent to be added to this list.  Beekeepers registered with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service are excluded from complying with the Texas Structural Pest Control Act pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1951, Structural Pest Control, Section 1951.056.  (See:

The following list is provided as a public service and is not an endorsement of any of the beekeepers listed therein. The Texas Apiary Inspection Service DOES NOT license or issue permits to remove honey bees.  Furthermore, the Texas Apiary Inspection Service does not have any information regarding a beekeeper’s qualifications or training to remove honey bees.  The Texas Apiary Inspection Service only maintains a list of registered beekeepers once their application has been submitted in accordance with Sec. 131.043(b), Tex. Ag. Code.   If you have any questions about honey bee removals please contact the Texas Apiary Inspection Service at 979-321-5827 or and we will be happy to assist you.

A list of structural pest control operators licensed under the Texas Department of Agriculture can be found at their Structural Pest Control Business License Search webpage.

For more information about bee removals in Texas, as well as a list of questions to ask bee removal specialists, please see the Honey Bee Removal Informational Document generated by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service.

In the “Additional” section of this list you will find a number of beekeepers who conduct bee removals in more than 15 counties. Please contact these beekeepers directly to inquire if they operate in your county.

Bee Removal page last updated: 03/12/2025

County: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Additional


Anderson Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Anderson Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Anderson Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Anderson Terri Jones 737-230-3435
Anderson Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Anderson Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Andrews Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Andrews Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Andrews Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Andrews Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Andrews Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Angelina Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Angelina Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Angelina Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Aransas Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Aransas Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Atascosa Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Atascosa Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Atascosa Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Atascosa Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Austin Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Austin David Banki 281-309-4723
Austin Humberto Herrera 832-716-1741
Austin Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Austin Jeffery Lavine 832-229-3704
Austin Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Austin Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Austin Clayton Dilday 832-890-3329
Austin Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Austin Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Austin Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Austin Terri Jones 737-230-3435
Austin Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Austin Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Austin Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Austin Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Austin Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Austin Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Bailey Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Bailey Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Bandera Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Bandera Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Bandera Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Bastrop Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Bastrop Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Bastrop Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Bastrop Katharine Grimes 512-507-1042
Bastrop Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Bastrop Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Bastrop Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Bastrop Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Bastrop Sarah Soutas 512-466-4237
Bastrop Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Bastrop William Welch 737-802-7285
Bastrop Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Bee Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Bee Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Bell Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
Bell Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Bell Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Bell Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Bell Kenneth Wagner 504-810-4896
Bell Susan Robison 254-760-9615
Bell William Welch 737-802-7285
Bell Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Bexar Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Bexar Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Bexar Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Bexar Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Bexar Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Bexar Cory Rakowitz 210-667-3880
Bexar Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Bexar Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Blanco Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Blanco Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Blanco Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Blanco Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Blanco Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Blanco Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Borden Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Borden Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Borden Suzanne Truhlicka 806-592-1708
Borden Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Bosque Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Bosque Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Bosque Jim Richards 254-485-1864
Bosque Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Bowie Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Bowie Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Brazoria Clint Lester 409-370-2539
Brazoria Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Brazoria David Banki 281-309-4723
Brazoria Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Brazoria Dean Emberton 281-802-8595
Brazoria Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Brazoria Dee Ann Emberton 713-826-9769
Brazoria Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Brazoria Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Brazoria Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Brazoria Stephanie Kyles 381-650-6699
Brazoria Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Brazoria Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Brazoria Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Brazoria Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Brazos Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Brazos David Banki 281-309-4723
Brazos Terri Jones 737-230-3435
Brazos Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Brazos Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Brazos Kimberly Shaw 281-299-5185
Brazos Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Brazos Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Brazos Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Brazos Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Brazos Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Brazos Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Brazos Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Brazos William Welch 737-802-7285
Briscoe Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Briscoe Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Brooks Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Brown Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Brown Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Brown Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Brown Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Brown Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Burleson Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Burleson Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Burleson Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Burleson Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Burleson William Welch 737-802-7285
Burleson Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Burnet Alaine Heivilin 512-566-2392
Burnet Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Burnet Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Burnet Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Burnet Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Burnet Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Caldwell Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Caldwell Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Caldwell Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Caldwell Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Caldwell Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Caldwell Sarah Soutas 512-466-4237
Caldwell Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5240
Caldwell Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Calhoun Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Calhoun Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Callahan Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Callahan Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Callahan Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Callahan Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Callahan Ned Davis 713-320-2766
Callahan Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Callahan Kelby Wiley 325-260-6882
Camp Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Camp Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Cass Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Cass Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Castro Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Castro Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Chambers Clint Lester 409-370-2539
Chambers Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Chambers David Banki 281-309-4723
Chambers Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Chambers Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Chambers Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Chambers Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Chambers Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Chambers Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Cherokee Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Cherokee Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Cherokee Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Cherokee Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Cochran Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Cochran Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Coke Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Coke Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Coleman Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Coleman Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Coleman Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Coleman Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Coleman Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Coleman Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Coleman Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Collin Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Collin Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Collin Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Collin Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Collin Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Collin Rex Smith 469-251-2233
Collin Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Collin Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Collin Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Collin Kirby Carmicheal 972-897-8348
Collin Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Colorado Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
Colorado Humberto Herrera 832-716-1741
Colorado Jeffery Lavine 832-229-3704
Colorado Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Colorado Clayton Dilday 832-890-3329
Colorado Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Colorado Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Colorado Mark Kelnar 361-218-8679
Colorado Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Colorado Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Colorado Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Colorado Bryan Milson 979-743-5395
Comal Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
Comal Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Comal Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Comal Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Comal Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Comal Cory Rakowitz 210-667-3880
Comal Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Comal Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Comal Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Comal Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Comanche Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Comanche Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Comanche Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Comanche Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Commanche Jim Richards 254-485-1864
Commanche Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Concho Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Cooke Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Cooke Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Cooke Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Cooke Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Coryell Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Coryell Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
Coryell Susan Robison 254-760-9615
Crane Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Crane Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Crockett Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Crosby Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Crosby Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Crosby Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Crosby Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Dallas Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Dallas Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Dallas David Banki 281-309-4723
Dallas Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Dallas Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Dallas Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Dallas Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Dallas Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Dallas Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Dallas Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Dallas Rex Smith 469-251-2233
Dallas Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Dallas Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Dawson Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Dawson Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Dawson Kaitlin Tate 806-201-3427
Dawson Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Dawson Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Dawson Kelci Donahue 806-201-0835
De Witt Bryan Milson 979-743-5395
Delta Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Delta Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Delta Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Delta Clayton Lyons 903-413-2593
Denton Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Denton Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Denton Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Denton Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Denton Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Denton Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Denton Rex Smith 469-251-2233
Denton Greg Parker 214-533-2361
Denton Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
DeWitt Augustine Beltran Jr. 361-554-7506
DeWitt Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
DeWitt Mark Kelnar 361-218-8679
DeWitt Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Dickens Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Duval Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Duval Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Eastland Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Eastland Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Eastland Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Eastland Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Eastland Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Ector Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Ector Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Ector Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Ector Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Ector Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Edwards Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
El Paso John Powers 915-808-5753
Ellis Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Ellis Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Ellis Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Ellis Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Ellis Dwain Jakubik 214-882-7176
Ellis Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Ellis Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Ellis Douglas Hall 469-383-8398
Ellis Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Erath Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Erath Jim Richards 254-485-1864
Erath Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Erath Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Erath Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Erath Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Falls Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
Falls William Welch 737-802-7285
Fannin Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Fannin Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Fannin Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Fannin Clayton Lyons 903-413-2593
Fayette Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
Fayette Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Fayette Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Fayette Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Fayette Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Fayette Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Fayette Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Fayette Mark Kelnar 361-218-8679
Fayette Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Fayette Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Fayette Bryan Milson 979-743-5395
Fisher Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Fisher Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Fisher Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Floyd Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Floyd Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Floyd Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Fort Bend Clint Lester 409-370-2539
Fort Bend Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Fort Bend David Banki 281-309-4723
Fort Bend Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Fort Bend Humberto Herrera 832-716-1741
Fort Bend Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Fort Bend Jeffery Lavine 832-229-3704
Fort Bend Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Fort Bend Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Fort Bend Clayton Dilday 832-890-3329
Fort Bend Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Fort Bend Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Fort Bend Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Fort Bend Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Fort Bend Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Fort Bend Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Fort Bend Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Fort Bend Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Franklin Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Franklin Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Franklin Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Freestone Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Frio Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Frio Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Frio Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Gaines Suzanne Truhlicka 806-592-1708
Gaines Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Gaines Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Galveston Akram El Haj 832-670-1044
Galveston Clint Lester 409-370-2539
Galveston Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Galveston David Banki 281-309-4723
Galveston Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Galveston Dean Emberton 281-802-8595
Galveston Dee Ann Emberton 713-826-9769
Galveston Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Galveston Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Galveston Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Galveston Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Galveston Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Galveston Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Galveston Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Galveston Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Galveston Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Garza Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Garza Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Gillespie Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Gillespie Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Gillespie Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Gillespie Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Glasscock Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Glasscock Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Glasscock Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Glasscock Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Goliad Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Gonzales Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
Gonzales Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Gonzales Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Gonzales Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Gonzales Mark Kelnar 361-218-8679
Gonzales Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Gonzales Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Gonzales Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Gonzales Bryan Milson 979-743-5395
Grayson Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Grayson Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Grayson Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Grayson Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Grayson Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Gregg Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Gregg Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Gregg Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Grimes Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Grimes Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Grimes Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Grimes David Banki 281-309-4723
Grimes Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Grimes Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Grimes Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Grimes Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Grimes Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Grimes Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Grimes Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Grimes Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Grimes Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Guadalupe Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Guadalupe Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Guadalupe Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Guadalupe Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Guadalupe Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Guadalupe Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Guadalupe Cory Rakowitz 210-667-3880
Guadalupe Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Guadalupe Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Hale Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Hale Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Hale Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Hamilton Jim Richards 254-485-1864
Hamilton Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Hardin Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Hardin Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Hardin Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Harris Akram El Haj 832-670-1044
Harris Clint Lester 409-370-2539
Harris Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Harris Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Harris Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Harris David Banki 281-309-4723
Harris Dee Ann Emberton 713-826-9769
Harris Humberto Herrera 832-716-1741
Harris Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Harris Jeffery Lavine 832-229-3704
Harris Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Harris Clayton Dilday 832-890-3329
Harris Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Harris Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Harris Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Harris Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Harris Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Harris Russell Kaskel 337-488-3479
Harris Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Harris Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Harris Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Harris Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Harris Dean Emberton 281-802-8595
Harrison Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Haskell Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Haskell Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Haskell Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Hays Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Hays Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Hays Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Hays Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Hays Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Hays Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Hays Sarah Soutas 512-466-4237
Hays Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Hays Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Hays Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Hays Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Hays Kevin Huffaker 512-557-3645
Henderson Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Henderson Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Henderson Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Henderson Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Henderson Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Hidalgo Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Hill Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Hill Dwain Jakubik 214-882-7176
Hill Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Hill Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Hockley Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Hockley Kelci Donahue 806-201-0835
Hockley Kaitlin Tate 806-201-3427
Hockley Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Hockley Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Hood Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Hood Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Hood Jim Richards 254-485-1864
Hood Jon Hobson 817-980-1561
Hood Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Hood Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Hood Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Hood Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Hopkins Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Hopkins Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Hopkins Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Hopkins Clayton Lyons 903-413-2593
Hopkins Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Houston David Banki 281-309-4723
Houston Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Houston Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Houston Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Houston Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Howard Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Howard Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Howard Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Howard Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Howard Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Hudspeth John Powers 915-808-5753
Hunt Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Hunt Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Hunt Clayton Lyons 903-413-2593
Hunt Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Irion Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Jack Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Jackson Augustine Beltran Jr. 361-554-7506
Jackson Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Jefferson Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Jefferson Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Jefferson Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Jim Hogg Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Jim Wells Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Jim Wells Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Johnson Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Johnson Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Johnson Jon Hobson 817-980-1561
Johnson Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Johnson Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Johnson Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Johnson Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Johnson Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Jones Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Jones Kelby Wiley 325-260-6882
Jones Ned Davis 713-320-2766
Jones Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Karnes Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Karnes Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Karnes Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Kaufman Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Kaufman Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Kaufman Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Kaufman Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Kendall Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Kendall Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Kendall Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Kendall Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Kenedy Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Kerr Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Kimble Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Kinney Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Kleberg Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Kleberg Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Kleberg Donald Traister 214-796-3169
La Salle Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Lamar Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Lamar Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Lamb Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Lamb Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Lamb Kaitlin Tate 806-201-3427
Lamb Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Lamb Kelci Donahue 806-201-0835
Lampasas Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
Lampasas Alaine Heivilin 512-566-2392
Lampasas Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Lampasas Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Lampasas Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Lampasas Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Lasalle Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Lavaca Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
Lavaca Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Lavaca Mark Kelnar 361-218-8679
Lavaca Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Lavaca Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Lavaca Bryan Milson 979-743-5395
Lee Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Lee Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Lee Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Lee Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Lee Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Lee Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Lee Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Lee Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Lee William Welch 737-802-7285
Lee Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Leon Brian Chase 979-218-7507
Leon Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Liberty Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Liberty David Banki 281-309-4723
Liberty Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Liberty Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Liberty Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Liberty Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Liberty Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Liberty Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Liberty Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Limestone Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Live Oak Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Live Oak Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Live Oak Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Llano Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Llano Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Lubbock Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Lubbock Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Lubbock Kaitlin Tate 806-201-3427
Lubbock Kelci Donahue 806-201-0835
Lubbock Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Lubbock Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Lubbock Suzanne Truhlicka 806-592-1708
Lubbock Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Lubbock Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Lynn Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Lynn Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Lynn Suzanne Truhlicka 806-592-1708
Lynn Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Lynn Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Madison Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Madison Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Madison Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Madison Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Madison Terri Jones 737-230-3435
Madison Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Martin Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Martin Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Martin Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Martin Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Martin Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Mason Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Matagorda Augustine Beltran Jr. 361-554-7506
Matagorda Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Matagorda Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Matagorda Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Matagorda Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Maverick Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
McCulloch Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
McCulloch Philip Smock 325-800-1235
McLennan Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
McLennan Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
McLennan Henry Jones 903-918-7021
McLennan Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
McLennan Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
McLennon Justin Russell 979-492-4114
McMullen Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Medina Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Medina Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Medina Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Medina Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Menard Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Midland Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Midland Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Midland Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Midland Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Midland Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Milam Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Milam William Welch 737-802-7285
Milam Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Mills Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Mills Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Mitchell Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Mitchell Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Montgomery Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Montgomery Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Montgomery Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Montgomery Jeffery Lavine 832-229-3704
Montgomery Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Montgomery Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Montgomery Kimberly Shaw 281-299-5185
Montgomery Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Montgomery Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Montgomery Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Montgomery Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Montgomery Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Montgomery Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Montgomery Russell Kaskel 337-488-3479
Montgomery Terri Jones 737-230-3435
Montgomery Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Montgomery Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Montgomery Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Montgomery Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Montgomery Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Morris Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Morris Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Nacogdoches Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Nacogdoches Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Nacogdoches Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Navarro Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Navarro Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Navarro Dwain Jakubik 214-882-7176
Navarro Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Nolan Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Nolan Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Noland Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Noland Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Nueces Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Nueces Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Palo Pinto Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Palo Pinto Jon Hobson 817-980-1561
Palo Pinto Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Palo Pinto Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Palo Pinto Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Palo Pinto Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Panola Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Parker Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Parker Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Parker Jon Hobson 817-980-1561
Parker Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Parker Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Parker Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Parker Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Parmer Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Parmer Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Pecos Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Pecos Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Polk Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Polk Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Polk Juvenal Torres 936-776-6978
Reagan Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Reagan Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Red River Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Red River Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Refugio Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Refugio Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Robertson Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Robertson Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Robertson Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Robertson Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Robertson William Welch 737-802-7285
Rockwall Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Rockwall Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Rockwall Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Rockwall Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Rockwall Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Rockwall Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Rockwall Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Runnels Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Runnels Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Runnels Kelby Wiley 325-260-6882
Runnels Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Runnels Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Runnels Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Rusk Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Rusk Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Rusk Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Rusk Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Sabine Devan Waters 386-266-7501
San Augustine Devan Waters 386-266-7501
San Jacinto Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
San Jacinto David Banki 281-309-4723
San Jacinto Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
San Jacinto Justin Ford 512-676-0479
San Jacinto Letila Takala 832-764-3074
San Jacinto Susano Padron 713-208-9866
San Jacinto Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
San Jacinto Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
San Jacinto Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
San Patricio Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
San Patricio Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
San Saba Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
San Saba Ned Davis 713-320-2766
San Saba Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
San Saba Philip Smock 325-800-1235
Schleicher Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Scurry Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Scurry Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Scurry Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Shackelford Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Shackelford Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Shackelford Kelby Wiley 325-260-6883
Shackelford Ned Davis 713-320-2766
Shelby Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Shelby Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Smith Dennis Kenney 903-330-1705
Smith Joseph Daniels 903-316-9339
Smith Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Smith Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Smith Henry Jones 903-918-7021
Smith Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Smith Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Somervell Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Somervell Jim Richards 254-485-1864
Somervell Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Stephens Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Stephens Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Stephens Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Sterling Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Sterling Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Stonewall Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Stonewall Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Sutton Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Swisher Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Swisher Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Tarrant Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Tarrant Brooks Hanson 903-814-2832
Tarrant Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Tarrant Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Tarrant Jon Hobson 817-980-1561
Tarrant Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Tarrant Larry “Tom” Green 817-683-4513
Tarrant Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Tarrant Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Tarrant Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Taylor Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Taylor Kelby Wiley 325-260-6882
Taylor Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Taylor Ned Davis 713-320-2766
Taylor Crissy Ward 325-665-1638
Taylor Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Taylor Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Taylor Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Terrell Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Terry Gary Watts 806-789-8736
Terry Kaitlin Tate 806-201-3427
Terry Russ Smith 806-283-3925
Terry Suzanne Truhlicka 806-592-1708
Terry Kelci Donahue 806-201-0835
Terry Vickie Watts 806-392-2355
Terry Angela Acevedo 806-201-1222
Throckmorton Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Throckmorton Donald Traister 214-796-3169
Titus Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
Titus Jeremy Capehart 903-486-8934
Tom Green Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488
Tom Green Chelsie Grantham 432-269-0430
Tom Green Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Travis Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Travis Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
Travis Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Travis Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Travis Katharine Grimes 512-507-1042
Travis Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Travis Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Travis Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Travis Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Travis Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Travis Sarah Soutas 512-466-4237
Travis Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Travis William Welch 737-802-7285
Travis Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Trinity Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Trinity Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Trinity Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Upshur Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Upshur Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Upshur Joseph Daniels 903-316-9339
Upton Catina Portier 985-688-3069
Upton Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Upton Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Val Verde Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Van Zandt Devan Waters 386-266-7501
Van Zandt Joseph Daniels 903-316-9339
Van Zandt Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Van Zandt Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Van Zandt Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Van Zandt Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Van Zandt Kirby Carmichael 972-897-8348
Van Zandt Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Van Zandt Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Victoria Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Victoria Russell Schroeder 325-386-5545
Victoria Augustin Molina 361-389-5556
Victoria Augustine Beltran Jr. 361-554-7506
Walker Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Walker Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Walker David Banki 281-309-4723
Walker Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Walker Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Walker Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Walker Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Walker Kimberly Shaw 281-299-5185
Walker Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Walker Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Waller Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Waller Clayton Dilday 832-890-3329
Waller Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Waller Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Waller David Banki 281-309-4723
Waller Jeffery Lavine 832-229-3704
Waller Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Waller Jimmy Davis 844-323-3489
Waller Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Waller Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Waller Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Waller Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Waller Mark Lockhart 832-541-9623
Waller Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Waller Russell Kaskel 337-488-3479
Waller Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Waller Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Waller Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Ward Kevin Wirth 325-245-6914
Ward Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Washington Brandi Williams 737-230-3435
Washington Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Washington Helena Kildow 936-218-4407
Washington Terri Jones 737-230-3435
Washington Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Washington Justin Russell 979-492-4114
Washington Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Washington Lee Kunkel 979-743-1500
Washington Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Washington Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Washington Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Washington Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Washington Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
Webb Abel Roy Carroll 979-216-8513
Wharton Augustine Beltran Jr. 361-554-7506
Wharton Amelia Salazar 832-388-0637
Wharton Stephanie Kyles 281-650-6699
Wharton Susano Padron 713-208-9866
Wharton Daniel Jones 281-798-2246
Wharton Jennifer Scott 832-248-8313
Wharton Kristy Janak 979-224-5184
Wharton Samuel Carroll 361-389-8132
Williamson Nandalene Helmke 254-289-5802
Williamson Braden Smoot 512-850-3589
Williamson Bruce Rogers 512-213-5847
Williamson Jessica Williams 512-354-9530
Williamson Justin Ford 512-676-0479
Williamson Keith Huddle 512-589-9658
Williamson Letila Takala 832-764-3074
Williamson Michele Jaquier 512-749-2392
Williamson Kenneth M. Mays III 512-944-5270
Williamson Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Williamson Shelley D. Rice 832-545-7178
Williamson Susan Robison 254-760-9615
Williamson William Welch 737-802-7285
Williamson Freeman Altabra 512-822-9654
Wilson Chris Fanning 253-442-7043
Wilson Ernesto Rocha 210-725-7340
Wilson Glen Kveton 210-219-8896
Wilson Steven Pankratz 210-880-5514
Wilson Richard Helsley 830-660-2304
Winkler Travis Gilbert 432-296-9815
Wise Bill Clayton 682-215-6012
Wise Greg Seevers 972-742-3533
Wise Keith Miller 817-201-4479
Wise Tristan Allen 214-809-7929
Wise Louis Felty 817-205-1568
Wise Richard Siegrist 214-864-0695
Wood Dean Emberton 281-802-8595
Wood Lance Miller 903-288-4123
Wood Joseph Daniels 903-316-9339
Wood Dee Ann Emberton 713-826-9769
Wood Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
Wood Jimmy Seahorn 903-574-3865
Young Cedric G. de Bourbon-Poisson 325-669-4488




The following beekeepers operate in more than 15 counties in the state of Texas. Please reach out to them directly to determine if they operate in your specific county.

  • Shores Morgan 713-301-6866
  • Steven Pankratz   210-880-5514
  • Devan Waters 386-266-7501
  • Garrik Peters 903-571-8386
  • Henry Jones 903-918-7021
  • Katie Capehart 214-310-6481
  • David Banki 281-309-4723
  • Kevin Wirth 325-245-6923
  • Len Miller 417-733-2430

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