Educational Resources

Educational Institutes and Government Sites

Texas A&M Honey Bee Lab

This website provides information regarding honey bee research performed at Texas A&M by Dr. Juliana Rangel.

eXtension: America’s Research-based Learning Network

An information-based website full of research knowledge provided by renowned land-grant universities.

Honey Bee Health Coalition

This website provides information on how to manage Varroa mites in honey bee colonies, Best Management Practices for beekeepers, mitigate Foulbrood disease in hives, and much more.


An open-access, online journal comprised of international research publications from all studies within science and medicine.  E-mail notifications can be created using key words so you are updated, on a regular basis, on current research for those topics.

University of Florida Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab

This website provides information on current honey bee research, extension work, and educational videos performed by Dr. Jamie Ellis and his lab at the University of Florida.

Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium

This is an organization focused on honey bee research and extension in the Mid-Atlantic Region of North America.

University of Minnesota Bee Lab

This website provides information on current honey bee research as well as educational videos conducted by Dr. Marla Spivak and her lab at the University of Minnesota.

University of Georgia Honey Bee Program

This website provides information on current research performed by Dr. Keith Delaplane and his lab, as well as educational resources for beekeepers.

Michigan State University – Michigan Pollinator Initiative

This website provides information on honey bees and native pollinators for beekeepers, growers, and land managers.

Natural Resources Conservation Service

This organization, under the USDA, offers farmers and ranchers financial and technical assistance to conserve their farming operations, along with the environment.

Texas A&M AgriLife Research

This is a state agency that performs research in natural resources, agriculture, and the life sciences.

Texas Department of Agriculture

This agency’s intentions include promoting agriculture, protecting the consumer, improving the economy, while supporting a healthy lifestyle.


Honey Bee Conservation Organizations

Bee Informed Partnership

This organization focused on data collection from beekeepers across the country on the pests and diseases afflicting their colonies to provide better management tactics. Though the Partnership has dissolved, their webpage still has a good amount of information pertaining to beekeeping that might be of interest.

North American Pollinator Protection Campaign

This is an organization that works to collect data on pollinators across North America while promoting pollinator conservation through agency collaboration and public awareness.

The Xerces Society

This is a non-profit organization aimed at wildlife conservation via protection of invertebrates and their environments.

 Project Apis m.

This is an organization focused on funding honey bee research to improve honey bee health and enhance agricultural production.

Pollinator Partnership

This is a non-profit organization dedicated to conservation of pollinators and their habitats.

Pollinator Stewardship Council

This organization works toward protecting pollinators from overexposure to pesticides and ensuring that pesticides are applied appropriately.


Beekeeping Organizations

Apiary Inspectors of America

This is a professional organization that works to uphold apiary laws that help suppress honey bee diseases across the nation and better the management of honey bees.  Information regarding state laws and annual meetings are available on this website.

Texas Beekeepers Association

This is the organization that represents the beekeepers of the state of Texas. Information regarding honey, local clubs and other important beekeeping information is available on this website.

American Association of Professional Apiculturists

This is an organization that is comprised of professionals who all research and work with honey bees.

American Beekeeping Federation

This is a national organization that provides educational resources for many facets of beekeeping.  They work towards open communication and cooperation with the public and any other organization that will help further the preservation of honey bees.

American Honey Producers Association

This website provides information regarding honey production with the United States.

Hives for Heroes

Hive for Heroes is a national non-profit service organization geared to helping Active Duty, Veterans, and First Responders through their national network of beekeepers.



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