Inspection Procedures

The primary role of the Texas Apiary Inspection Service is to mitigate the presence of pests and diseases in honey bee hives.  This mission is primarily accomplished through regular health inspections of beekeeping operations around the state of Texas.  Annual inspections are typically conducted on migratory operations, however any beekeeper can request an inspection (

An inspection typically consists of an apiary inspector looking at all or a percentage of the hives in the operation (this is dependent on the size of the operation).  The inspector will look at multiple brood frames for symptoms of pests and diseases.  In addition, the inspector may take samples to conduct in-field or laboratory diagnostics, if needed or requested by the beekeeper.  No preparation is required prior to the inspection.  Each inspector carries the necessary tools and equipment to conduct an inspection and collect samples.

If American Foulbrood (AFB) is proven to exist, through lab testing done off site, in an apiary, then the hives infected will be required to be destroyed and the apiary in which the AFB was found will be quarantined and re-inspected in 30 days. If no more AFB is found, then the quarantine will be lifted. These same guidelines will be used for novel pests found in an apiary.

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