Testing Resources

In order to diagnose problems found in hives it is often necessary to sample the hives and determine the source of the problem. TAIS can assist beekeepers in a limited capacity by checking nosema and varroa levels in hives. Beyond these tests it will be necessary to use outside labs to help diagnose problems.

TAIS Testing Procedures:

TAIS can run diagnostic tests to determine nosema and varroa levels in a hive. At this time we can only run 2 nosema and 2 varroa samples per year per beekeeper. In order to test a hive please follow this protocol:

  1. Fill out the submission form in pencil. Place in a separate plastic storage bag and put it in the mailing box. Submission Form
  2. For nosema testing: Collect a sample of approximately 100 bees in alcohol (isopropyl alcohol is acceptable) from the entrance or outer frames of a hive. Half pint mason jars work well for collection and transport. Jars must be leak proof to mail.
  3. Insert a label with your name, address, phone number and email address into the jar. The label MUST be written in pencil (pen or marker will wash off in alcohol).
  4. For varroa testing: Collect a sample of approximately 300 bees in alcohol from the brood area of the hive.
  5. Insert a label with name, address, phone number and email address into the jar. The label MUST be written in pencil (pen or marker will wash off in alcohol).
  6. Before shipping pour off excess alcohol and package jars in plastic storage bags to prevent leakage during shipment.
  7. Mail samples to:
Texas Apiary Inspection Service
2475 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2475
  1. Once the tests are complete TAIS will e-mail the results to the e-mail you provide with the samples. Samples are run on a first come first serve basis. TAIS will make every attempt to quickly return results, but processing time may vary depending on workloads.

 Other Testing Facilities and Services:

The sites listed below are not associated with TAIS and may have fees for their services. Please consult the organizations directly with all questions.

Texas Department of Agriculture

EPA National Pesticide Information Center

USDA Lab Beltsville, MD

  • Test for: bacterial (American Foulbrood), fungal and microsporidian diseases as well as for two species of parasitic mites and other pests associated with honey bees (i.e., small hive beetle, Aethina tumida).
  • Website:

National Agricultural Genotyping Center

Cornell Chemical Ecology Core Facility

USDA-AMS National Science Laboratory

National Honey Board

Pollen Testing from Honey Samples:

Texas A&M Palynology Laboratory

Dr. Heather Thakar is very pleased that the Texas A&M Palynology Research Laboratory will continue to offer pollen identification services to the beekeeping community, and particularly for our Texas beekeepers! Dr. Thakar is available to answer any questions from the community about the services described below. Email is by far the most efficient way to contact her (with the exception of campus holidays). She can be reached at thakar@tamu.edu.
Service Description
Our primary service at the Palynology Research Laboratory here at Texas A&M is based on standard pollen extraction, identification, and counts using polarized light microscope (PLM) at a magnification of 200X and 600X. We have also begun working with individual beekeepers to use stable isotopic analysis of carbon to assess the relative contribution of C3 vs. C4 plants (e.g. including corn, sugarcane, sorghum, or other supplements). Your detailed report will include pollen identifications, counts, concentration values, and a common language interpretation of what this all means about your bees and your honey.
Sample Cost & Payment
Our standard fee for a full pollen profile and concentration values for Texas honey is $225/sample and for other Domestic (contiguous USA) honey is $275/sample. Additional services such as determination of sample origination can be provided upon request. The expedited fee is $100/sample. Discounts are available for repeat customers. We require that a check for the total estimated cost accompany the samples when submitted for processing. We will not begin processing any samples until a check for services is received.
Sample Processing Time
We process samples in small batches and ensure individualized extractions. Allow 8-12 weeks for standard sample processing, analysis, and report. Samples submitted close to holidays and University closures may take longer for completion. Expedited services (available for an additional fee) ensure that your samples begin the extraction process within 3-5 business days and that the analysis and report are available within 4-6 weeks of sample receipt.
Sample Submission
If you choose to send your sample to us, please submit 30-50 grams of fresh honey that comes directly from the hive. DO NOT sieve, strain, or filter the sample in any way as this will remove pollen from the sample.  Send each honey sample in well-sealed plastic or glass containers. Clearly mark the container with your name and a unique sample identifier. Seal each container in its own individual plastic Ziploc back to prevent loss or contamination.
Shipping Address
Palynology Laboratory, Anthropology Department
Texas A&M University (TAMU-4352)
College Station, TX, 77843-4352

Paleo Research Institute

This lab conducts pollen analysis on honey from across North America. They report to have the same capabilities as the Texas A&M Palynology Laboratory provided previously.


Mellifloral is owned and operated operated by Texas A&M graduate Dr. Angie Perrotti. They provide a range of honey and bee-pollen analysis starting at $85 per sample. Current turnaround time is <4 weeks. Each honey pollen report is hosted in a publicly accessible online database (with consent) and given a QR code that links to the online profile for easy sharing.

Their services can be purchased directly through mellifloral.com. After completing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to package and mail your sample. Please email angie@mellifloral.com for more information.

The Penn State Honey and Pollen Diagnostic Lab


Penn State’s Honey and Pollen Diagnostic Lab performs DNA metabarcoding analysis of honey and pollen samples to identify the botanical origin.  The Lab also offers a quantitative PCR based service to determine if honey was generated from honeydew samples collected from Spotted Lanternfly.  

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